Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Say, Do You Like Auctions?

Well, I don't know if I told you all, but I absolutely love auctions.  Why you might ask?  Aside from getting good deals, it is just so fun to bid on something and win, there is this thrill in knowing you got a great deal, and ....well that you beat someone else out of a great deal. (I'm not ashamed to admit it, it is fun beating someone else out of a good deal.)  It is also fun to see what people hang onto through their lives.  I especially love Estate auctions.  You can really get a feel for a person's life when you browse through all their possesions at the auction.  Anyway, I thought that today I would share a few of my finds from last weekend.  We didn't find much, but I really like what we did find!
This is the antique chalk board/writing desk that we got for $7.50!!  I saw it just last week at an antique store down the street from the auction house for $50!!  Needless to say, I was excited.  It needs a new coat of chalk board paint, as you can see it has a little water damage on the chalk board, but that should be easy to fix.  When it is finished it will go in the family room (don't worry, I'll show you what that room looks like eventually!), I thought my daughter would enjoy drawing on it.

This lamp, oh this lamp!  It may not look like much to you, but to me, this is just what I have been looking for!  We have a lamp on our bedside table in the master bedroom, but it is nothing special, and doesn't really go with the room.  This lamp will be perfect, at least it will be after my father in law fixes the power cord.  Let me just pause here for a moment to mention that my father in law is the best!  He is an electrical engineer, and if ever I have something that is electrical that needs fixing, all I have to do is ask and it is generally fixed (and cleaned much to my chagrin) and ready for me a couple days later.  He is always willing to help, and I appreciate that so much!!  So, the cost of the lamp? $8.  I'm satisfied.

So, you might be wondering what all this stuff is, just rusty metal?  No, no my friends, not just rusty metal.  My husband bought these while I was out taking the munchkin to the bathroom.  Now, I will admit my first reaction was like yours, what a bunch of rusty metal?  However upon closer inspection I realized it was an old cow bell, an old cattle tag with the number 44 on both sides, the thing with the spring on it is a nose ring (again for a cow), the figure 8 thing is something else to do with cows, but right now I forget what.  I'm not entirely sure what I am going to do with them, but they will end up somewhere in this house, used for decoration.

Sorry about this picture, it is not very good.  The green vase I got for $3, it is an old vase, not sure what it is made of.  The front and back have a raised pattern, that of a branch with birds on it, which you can't see in this photo.  I am going to give it to my youngest sister for a house warming gift.  She is decorating her kitchen with the old Jadite dishes by Pyrex, and this should match pretty well.  The clear glass bottle is an old medicinal bottle.  It says it contains a "preparation" on the side.  It still has the original lid on top, cost $1.  Not sure where I will use this, but it struck my fancy, so for a dollar, I couldn't pass it up.

I hope you all enjoyed my auction finds, I sure am enjoying them!!  I'll show you the chalk board again after it gets a bit of TLC!
Have a great day!


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