Thursday, July 8, 2010

Building a Home

Welcome back ya'll!  Today I thought I would tell you a bit about building a home, starting at ground level.  Four and a half years ago my hubby came home all excited about this calendar a local building supply store gave him.  For my part, I didn't understand what the big deal was, we get these things several times a year.  But, he then showed me THE house plan.  I quickly saw what was so exciting!  This house was perfect for us, 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, a nice family room, and a two car garage.  At the time, we did not have children, so this was a house that had room to grow in!  My hubby told me we were gong to build this house, and I said okay, thinking it would a couple years before we started it.  I was wrong.  We started it the next spring.  Building a house is WAY more involved than I thought it would be.  I thought for my part, that I would have to pick paint, and probably counter tops, maybe carpet, not much.  Boy was I wrong!  There are light fixtures, faucets, shower faucets, toilets (because my hubby is a plumber, the bath fixtures and toilets were something that was agonized over to the point that I just didn't care what we ended up with, but I love what he picked!).  You also have to pick appliances, cabinets, trim, carpet, paint, stain colors for the floor, tile, counter tops for not only the kitchen, but the bath as well.  The list goes on and on.  I will admit, that by the time we moved into the house, I was tired of making decisions, and I just wanted someone to make them for me.  (which is why a year later, I am just starting to decorate the house!)

Anyway, here is where it all starts...

This is the foundation, with the headers for the floor.

This is the garage and part of the first floor during the framing portion of building.

At this point, now that the second floor is almost finished being framed, you can get a picture of what the house will look like someday!

Here the house is being weather proofed.  This includes putting on the roof, siding, and installing windows and doors.  By this time, we have been working on the house nearly a year.

This photo was taken a couple days after we moved in, so it does look a little bit different now, all the stuff on the porch is gone now.  Soon, I will show you all pictures of the inside!

We love Kensington Cottage, it is a beautiful Craftsman styled house, and we are doing all we can to make it a home.  I hope you will join us on this journey!


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