Friday, October 26, 2012

Front Door Update Reveal

I am sitting here enjoying this beautiful fall morning, it is slightly overcast. and breezy, perfect for my cup of cocoa with hazelnut cream (my guilty pleasure, and definitely not on my diet).  I haven't decided if I am in love with my front door or not. 

When I pull in the driveway and see it, I immediately think it feels warm and inviting.  When I am in front of the door I think wow, this is a bit bright.  Hubby doesn't like it, he says it is too bright.  So, you all tell me what you think.

Please ignore the stuff on the porch, Hubby is working on making room for it in his garage, the other side has become a small work area for him since it is out of the rain.  Next year he is going to build a small shop and it will all go in there! 
So, what do you think?  I am thinking it should be darker, and I think I can put a brown glaze over it,but I'm not positive. 


  1. Hmmm, I like it just the way it is. Seems as if it would fit in perfectly with a Virginia autumn.

  2. I love it! That is one of my favorite colors LOVE BRIGHT! and I just love your porch.

  3. I like it to. I think you should leave it for a couple months and then see how you feel.

  4. I love it too! It looks wonderful with the color of your house. It is inviting, and not at all run-of-the-mill. It looks sophisticated and special. Don't paint over it! I think it's going to grow on you.

  5. Hey Mel, I like it too. I think like Lois you should leave it for a while and see if it grows on you. Ultimately its you who needs to like it but I say wait a bit. Colors are hard sometimes. That happened to me with our guest room, its really bright when the sun is shining but i really like the color.

  6. Melissa, I love the color. The spicy front door looks great with the green of your house! So pretty!

  7. It looks nice with the green of your house. Ditto Lois about letting it be for awhile to see how you feel about it later. Doesn't paint become it's true color after a couple of weeks? My door will probably have to wait for Spring. I did find a yellow He and I both like, though. I have the paint!
