Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Fresh Look

When we were building our house we had a hard time deciding on paint colors for the exterior of the house.  We both wanted green, we just differed in which green we wanted so we met in the middle.  When it came to our front door, I wanted something colorful (as usual) and Hubby wanted something a little tamer.  We ended up with a dark green front door. 
 It was okay, but it didn't pop.  I like things that pop, but it was okay.  A few months ago I got the Lowe's idea catalogue in the mail.  they had a front door that was sage green and orange, it was an old pottery type of orange, I loved it!  I told Hubby it was the color I wanted for our front door.  He just smiled and said okay, lets do it. What! I couldn't believe it!  So, last night we finally got around to buying the paint.  You know how colors in a picture look different in real life?  Well that is what happened.  When I picked up the color sample it looked very brown, I did not want brown. So we looked around and found the right color. 

The lighter color is called Burnt Brick, that is going to be the front door color.  The darker rusty red is called Mulling Spices that is going to go on this old step stool.
I love that old mail box, I picked it up this summer at a yard sale for $2.  I'm still not totally sure what I am going to do with it, but I think it will look cute on this stool once it is painted. 
Well, I am off to paint my door now that it is above 55 degrees!  Hope you have a great productive day!


  1. Can you personalize the mailbox for you? It would look so good.

  2. Love the orange front door idea. I have orange on my front door but it's on the inside of my house! :-) Like the mailbox too, just like it is.

  3. I just painted a step stool red too- looks fabulous!

  4. oh oh oh. Saw a yellow front door at Lowes in a picture display and immediately fell in love. If I ever get it done, you will have to come see it!
