Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Walk Around Town.....

Saturday Hubby came home early and after working around the house a bit decided we all should go on a walk!  It was a gorgeous evening!  So cool and just a beautiful early summer evening.  Here are a few things we saw along the way.

 This is an old farmhouse around the corner from us.  Don't you just love those corbels on the porch?

 Hydrangeas from the farmhouse, such a great old fashioned flower!  I love them, and I am still working on Hubby trying to convince him that these would look great in front of our porch.
 I love these cheery pots of petunias on another neighbors front walk.
 Main St. Gordonsville, Virginia.  Isn't that Dr. Pepper sign on the building awesome? I love this town, it is all old buildings, and fun shops, and a couple of awesome restraunts!
 This is in a little green space next to the town office.  I think it is some kind of architectural accent from an old house or gate, its about 3 1/2 feet tall. 
 This is the old train station.  During the Civil War Gordonsville was a hospital town, because it was the cross roads of the north/south, east/west railroads it was a good spot.  This was one of the stations that was used.  Several of the houses and the Exchange Hotel were actually hospitals for the wounded soldiers.  The Historical Society is working on preserving it with plans to turn it into a train museum.
This nifty little statue is in the oddest spot!  it is in the farthest corner of an empty lot that is all neatly mowed grass.  It is three sea horses with a little flat tray on top.  I guess maybe a plant stand?  It has this great gray and green patina on it. 
So, that is a bit of our town.
Hope you all are enjoying these nice summer days!


  1. What a beautiful place to live. And what mystery you found with the old pillar and the seahorse stand. (I think the seahorses could have been the base of a birdbath.)
    I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling with the hubs over hydrangeas. I LOVE them, but my sweet hubby says that they remind him of old ladies. Apparently growing up, all the old ladies on his street had hydrangeas in their yards. So now, that's what he associates those beautiful bunches with. Dang!! Here's hoping your husband is less stubborn!

  2. Somehow I missed this post last month. Looks like some fun places. Makes me want to come visit all the more. Maybe some day we will get your way.
