Friday, April 20, 2012

Yoder's Market, and the Governor

Happy Friday everyone! 
Last Thursday I met up with my sister-in-laws, MIM, and the kiddos for lunch.  We decided to meet at Yoder's Country Market in Madison, VA.  For those who have never been there, it is a unique experience! 
The market is owned and opereated by a Mennonite family.  They buy in bulk, and repackage items for sale so you generally get a cheaper price.  It is so fun to visit the store, Little Monkey's favorite aisle is the candy aisle of course, but they also sell dried fruit, snacks, an assortment of flours, whole grains, homemade breads, pies, and pastries, homemade soups and salads, and butter, and of course gift items, and so much more.  They also have a great deli where they make sandwiches and sell meats and cheeses.  Outside you will find chickens, turkey's, peacocks, and an assortment of other birds, as well as goats.  Here are a few pictures for you.

I love these chickens, they look like a mad professor!

This goat just wanted some love!

The kids can buy feed for $,25 and place it in a cup then pull the rope and it will drop into a bowl at the top of the platform.  Let me tell you, this goat ate very well before we left!!

Here you can see the whole platform system.  They have had 1 or 2 goats fall off, but they have never been hurt.  Its fun to watch them, they seem to love it!

The main attraction! These three little goats here were part of a set of quadruplets!  They weighed in at 8lbs, 2 at 4 1/2 lbs, and the last at 2 1/2 lbs.  The smalles one is being bottle fed so it is not out in the yard with the others.
 I know you think I lead a terribly boring life and would never meet anyone famous right?  Well, here is proof that even I can meet someone famous. 

That is former Governor of Virginia and former Democratic National Convetion chairman Tim Kaine.  Yep, he was campaigning for US senate, so he dropped in to Yoder's for some lunch.  How do I even know this kind of information is what my sister in law asked.  Well, I think its good to know who your government officials are, even if you don't agree with them. :)
I hope you all have a great weekend!  We are headed to the Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton for their Wool Days celebration!  Should be lots of fun, and of course I'll be sure to take pictures!


  1. How do the goats climb up there? I know the kids must love that place.

  2. Personally, I would not like to be the center of attention, as in running for a political office. Just my nature. We have a Mennonite family that runs a bake shop at one of the sales we go to. The MOST incredible apricot pie!. There are lots of shoppers there too. That chicken does look like a professor!
