Monday, November 28, 2011

Pinterest Monday #6

Hi all!  I hope you all had a great weekend!  We did!  Started things off right on Thursday by sleeping in a bit, then heading to Papa and Granny C's house for a wonderful late lunch!  There was so much food!  We put a hurtin' on thats for sure!  Thursday night Hubby and a friend decided to go hang out at Best Buy, they opened at midnight after all.  From there they stopped at 4 other stores and got home around 8 am.  Meanwhile, Little Monkey and myslelf got a halfway decent nights sleep before we headed to Khol's, got there at 6 a.m., after the rush, and we were gone by 9:30.  I got everything I was looking for, which was awesome, and I saved twice what I spent!  I love seeing receipts like that!!  The rest of Friday was spent relaxing and napping.  Saturday I got my whole house picked up and somewhat clean, as well as washed all the laundry.  We also did lots of outside work, the weather was amazing! It was 70 degrees on Saturday!!  That is unheard of here in Central VA!!  Well, I hope you enjoyed your weekend as much as I did! Here are my favorites from Pinterest.

This first one is something you have probably seen all over lately, but  I love the simplicity.  This book shelf is made from old wooden apple crates!  A great idea if ever I saw one!  This is from
I love this orange tub!  If I had a spot for an old tub like this, I would put it in my house!  Hubby, being a plumber, comes across these old babies regularly, I'm so tempted to tell him to bring one home so I can paint it all cute and put flowers in it.  I haven't had the nerve....yet. This comes from

 In my someday dream home, I have a laundry room with something like this in it.  This is from
 If I could find a spot, I would put this in Little Monkey's bedroom, she loves dress up!  This comes from

 I love this necklace!  I wish I could figure out how to make it. I guess maybe I just need to buy it, after all, this comes from

That's all today!

1 comment:

  1. Great finds on Pinterest! I love the idea of the apple crate bookshelves. My daughter would love them!
