Friday, October 14, 2011

A Change of Plans....

Well this isn't what I planned to show you all today, but my tutorial needs a bit of polishing!  Plus, my grandma got in last night, so we will be having lots of fun and I won't get much work done!  She is one amazing lady, Grandma will be 83 next week, she just drove across the country by herself!  This what she calls her grandma trip.  We grandkids are spread out all over the country so she takes two  months and visits all of us.  She started in SoCal, where she lives, then stopped in Arizona and Colorado to visit cousins.  Now she is here in Virginia to visit me, and next week my cousin from North Carolina will be coming up to visit as well.  When she leaves here she will make stops in Georgia, Florida, and Texas before heading back home to California.  I hope that when I am 83 I have the stamina and go gettedness (is that a word?) that she has!
So, without further ado, here are some great Pinterest finds for you all today!

Isn't this headboard awesome?  I love it!  It comes to us from via Pinterest.
Isn't this totally cute?  I love this!  I know what you are  thinking, where on earth can I find these?  Make friends with your neighborhood plumber.  My hubby (the plumber) finds these all the time, he is always replacing them or just finds them.  This came from via Pinterest.
Don't you love this spring stools?  I do, I wish I could find something like this for my kitchen bar.
This comes from via Pinterest.
I also really love this light fixture, you can find it on
 I never cease to be amazed at how creative people are.  Hope you all enjoyed these!


  1. I didn't realize Grandma was already at your house. Tell her hi and we will see her in a couple of weeks!

  2. Have fun with your grandma- she sounds wonderful!

  3. Hi to Aunt Marce. We'll miss her while she's gone.

  4. Glad she made it. You're right. She is amazing! Have fun!
