Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weekend Finds #6

So, I just watched Little Monkey and her 6 year old cousin K DEVOUR a medium pizza all by themselves!!  I have no clue where they put 4 pieces of pizza each!  They are both skinny little sticks, seriously, how do they do that?  Anyway, on to the finds!

Three weekends ago there was an auction 3 doors down from us, rather convenient right?  It totally was!  We went down on Thursday and Friday evenings while they were setting up to preview the items.  There were a million tools, so hubby was into that, I was perusing the housewares section, you know where they put the "junk".  The old dishes, towels, photo frames, mixers, etc.  I happened to spot a stack that looked kinda familiar.  Do they look familiar to you?

If you guessed antique feed sacks you would be right!  They were stuffed under one of those non slip mats you use for large area rugs.  I knew right then that I was going to try to win those!  When we showed up Saturday morning we found out they were running two auctions at the same time.  I stayed at the house wares, and there were only a hand full of people there.  I got 23 feed sacks for $4!!!!  Right after I got them a lady came running over, and asked if they had sold them yet.  Everyone pointed at me, and she came over and asked what I paid for them.  When I told her she was shocked, and bummed.  Then she told me she had come prepared to pay $20 or $30 for them, I just smiled and didn't have the heart to tell her I would have too!  It would have made for an interesting bidding war! Here are a few of the best sacks.

The next weekend we worked at home, but then went to a couple of our favorite antique/junk stores and I found this needle point for $5

and this necklace for $14.  I love the necklace!  I don't really know if it is vintage or not, and I honestly don't care, I just loved how it looks!

This past Saturday I had promised Little Monkey that we would go to Aunt S's house to swim with her cousins, so I was not planning on junking at all!  Of course that was before we drove past the flea market and I spotted a little something.  Hanging up on a wall was this:

A hand pieced quilt top!  I paid $15 for this, and I think that is a pretty great deal!  It won't cost much to finish it, and I do want to finish it.  I think it will be a winter project, we'll see!  Where will I use it?  No idea!  It may become a picnic blanket, or it may be resold.  I just thought the colors were really great together!
Well, that is all for the recent finds!  I hope you all are having a productive week!  I know I am!  I am working on a little something for my living room, I hope to have it done by the weekend, but it may take longer.
Have a great week!


  1. Great finds! I would love to get me some feed sacks. :)

  2. Wow! Can I come "junking" with you sometime? That quilt top would be an awesome "backdrop" hanging on a wall for a someday space/booth if you should decide to go that route. The feed sacks are to die for, what is your plan? My T has a necklace similar to yours, it looks so good with tourquoise. or brown, or green - you get the idea. I can totally see the needlepoint framed. Well, you certainly get great.

  3. Amazing deal on the feed sacks! I can't wait to see what you do with all of them.

  4. I so totally need to come visit you. We are going to get there someday when the CA trips stop. We need to have a weekend of junking and crafting. You game? You got some cool things. By the way, your milk bottle crate is somewhere in route, I think. ;) Let me know when you get it.

  5. one of those feed sacks would make a great giveaway for me to win mel

  6. I love the feed bags, esp. the one from Lynchburg, VA. We used to go to auctions when we lived in Winchester, but we haven't found any since moving to Roanoke. Great deals.

  7. You got some great stuff, and how lucky that the auction was so close by!!!

    Oh, the wonderful projects you can make with the feed sacks!

  8. I love the feed sacks. You'll have fun with them, I bet!

  9. Oh, how I would love some grain sacks, they are very hard to come by in Australia!
