Monday, July 25, 2011

County Fair Fun!

Saturday we took Little Monkey to the Orange County Fair! Orange County, Virginia that is, not California!  It was so much fun!  It was incredibly hot and humid!!  We only stayed about 3 hours, which was more than enough. 

We saw cows, lots of cows.


Pure Bliss right?


and camels! 

We took a ride on a real Conestoga Wagon!  Just like what they used on the Oregon Trail!  It was pulled by a team of oxen, that were huge!!  It was a lot of fun, Little Monkey loved it! 
The oxen were named Calvin and Hobbes!  they were very friendly, they even shook "hands" with LM!
 It was a really fun trip to the fair!


  1. Looks like a fun time out. Humid heat can be so draining, hope you have a change of weather soon.

  2. What a fun day! I let the dog out a few minutes ago, and it feels like a sauna outside! It will definitely storm today!

  3. Was the fair just this last weekend or how long is it going on? We meant to go to it this year but of course were out of town this last weekend.

  4. I miss the Frederick County fair since we moved to Roanoke. I'm sure your little one really enjoyed it.
