Saturday, April 30, 2011

Epic MakeOver Giveaway Entry

****WARNING*** The photos you are about to see may cause you to gasp in shock, and run screaming from the computer.

Yes, sadly, and much to my embarrassment this is an actual room in my house, and yes, this is how it currently looks.  (Hopefully it will be picked up and clean by the end of the weekend, hopefully.)

Frightening isn't it?  I know that my mom is reading this and I am probably going to get a call from her saying she cannot believe I would let this room look like this!  In all honesty, I can't believe it looks like this!!  So, sorry mom, I know you didn't raise me this way! :)
I have lots of reasons excuses for why it looks this way.  See, this is the room where two of the babies sleep during the day from 6-5, 5 days a week.  When one of them is asleep the other is awake, that makes it hard to get in there during the day and get anything accomplished.  Also, on Saturday's and Sunday's we are usually gone most of the day.  What about the evenings you ask, well.....I try to finish all my house work so I can spend the evening with the family, or working outside if Hubby is working outside.  Like I said lots of excuses.

Anyway, this is the guest room, the unused office, the storage room, the catch all, etc.  I don't particularly like the room, I'm not fond of the color, and hubby and I can't seem to come to an agreement on decor for the room so it sits untouched, looking forlorn and unloved. 

I really want to do something that is inviting, soothing, cool, and refreshing.  I want a guest room that people love to stay in, and will make them appreciate coming back.  It is a difficult room to decorate for a couple of reasons, the half walls make it so that you can't really use pictures or signs to help with the decor, also the only full walls are taken up by a closet and windows.  Hubby would like to do the room with an Asian style decor.  He has some Asian swords, porceline dolls, and other stuff. I'm not real sure about this, if we could combine it with what I am wanting fine, but so far I haven't figured out how to do this.
So, now you are wondering why I have shown you such terrible horrible pictures?  Well, Vintage Revivals is having an epic giveaway!  They are going to redo one room in the winners house!!  I would love to have someone else decorate my guestroom, then hopefully hubby would like it!!  At least maybe someone could combine what we both want, cause so far, I cannot "see" it working.  
So Please Vintage Revivals, pick me!  We could use your help!!
Linking to:
Epic Makeover Contest @ Vintage Revivals


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good luck Mel! Hopefully one of us will win. I'm hoping it's me, but if it's you than that would be awesome to. Maybe I'll fly out to help you guys! Wouldn't that be fun!

  3. Oh, my! I hope you win, too, LOL!!! I am off to vote for you right now!!!
