Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spring is In The Air!!!

Hi all!  Sorry for the absence, but I have been working hard on several projects.  Guess what?  It has been in the 60's all week, and today and tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 70's!!!!  YES!!! 
photo: Dan
 This means it is finally warm enough to spray paint!!  I recently purchased 6 picture frames from a friend and I have been spray painting them, as well as a stool for Little Monkey.

Also decided it was time to plant some bulbs, I know, I'm a little late.  They've been sitting in our garage for the winter, so I figure they'll be fine.  So, that explains my absence, I have just been enjoying this little hint of spring.
 Yes, it is just a pre spring.  This is Virginia after all, that means next week we could have snow.  Trust me, it has happened before.  It does give me just enough of a taste that I don't feel like I am going stir crazy. 
I'll see you all next week with some new completed projects!  I hope it is warm where you are, if not, I'll go out and enjoy some sunshine for you!


  1. Beautiful blossoms. So many peeps are blogging about spring. I think we are all so ready for it, LOL!

  2. I hear ya about the warm weather and spray painting. Unfortunately, it has been really windy here along with the warm weather so I haven't gotten out yet. I have high hopes for Sat. Plus I don't have to teach school! It is amazing how it can be subzero one day and in the 70's a few days later. Wierd. A little different from the even temps of the good ole home state of CA. Eh? Enjoy your springish weather! Aunt Maggie

  3. Look forward to seeing your new projects! We have had warmer weather too! I'm loving it!
