Monday, February 28, 2011

Birthday Preparations and a Giveaway

Well, Saturday is Little Monkey's 3rd birthday!  It is the first birthday that she is really aware just what a birthday is, so this is making it so much fun for me!  Saturday my MIL babysat for the whole day and I was able to get presents wrapped, and goody bags made, as well as a couple of decorations and some cleaning!  I will show you all of it next week, but for today I thought I would show you a sneak peak!

These are the goody bags, everything I used was on hand.
These are for the girls, they got a floral/paisley print. They still need a flower clip added to the bag, so not quite done.
Stripes for the boys, I know still girly, but hey it is a party for a girl!

These cost nothing to make!  Just two types of scrapbook paper from my way too enormous stash, some tissue paper that was on clearance for 75% off after Valentines Day, some tags from my scrapbook stash, jute, small pieces of burlap, and some silk hydrangeas that I have had for ages.
The finished product (boys)

I love how they turned out.  You can see the how to make your own here.

So, onto the giveaway announcement!  Well, you probably didn't  know it, but I am also having a birthday, though mine is not until late next week. I think that since I am going to be getting presents (presumptuous, I know), you should too!  So, in honor of my turning 31, (my sister thinks that's old!), I am doing a giveaway.  I am going to giveaway a great bag from Thirty One!!  The giveaway will start on March 6th, and will end on March13th! ( my actual b-day) and I will announce the winner on Monday, the 14th!
Stay tuned for your opportunity to enter!
In the mean time, I am going to be cleaning my house, and making a paper mache hot air balloon! Yikes, I haven't done paper mache since I was in high school, I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. Cute gift bags! Good luck with the paper mache!

  2. Cute bags for the party! Happy B-day to you!!!
    Great giveaway!
