Monday, December 20, 2010

Map Faced Clock Tutorial (Finally!!)

Well, sorry it has taken so long to get this tutorial posted, life just got in the way.  Saturday hubby decided he would take me to my favorite discount grocery store (my car is not quite in running order yet), so of course I took him up on it.  It ended up being an all day thing, cause we also had to go to Home Depot since we don't have one of those close.  (an hour away)  You know how it is when a guy starts looking at power tools....Anyway on to the clock!

Here is what you'll need:
1. Mod Podge
2. A large map (11X14 size, or several smaller ones)
3.  a paint brush that's okay to use with Mod Podge.
4. 1 clock (duh right?)
5. for the numbers on your clock-you can use stickers, or a stencil, or just free hand them
6. paint for the frame, if you want to change the color
7.  A Phillips head screw driver
8.  A flat head screw driver (2 is actually better, I'll explain later)
9. Plastic Scraper
10. Exacto knife (or something like it.)

First step, take your clock apart.

Remover all screws, and then you need to take the hands off the front.  With the clock that I used (from Target) the second hand had a tiny screw that had to be removed, then each hand just popped off.  Be very careful doing this, if you bend the hands, the clock will NOT work right, believe me I found this out the hard way with another clock.  Using your two flat head screw drivers, carefully pry up the motor housing.  Set this aside, along with the screws and hands, I suggest putting them where little hands, and big hands alike, cannot get to them easily.

Next lay your map over the face and check the fit, and make sure that the portions of the map you like best are going to show.  Once you have confirmed it will work, paint a generous supply of Mod Podge on the clock face, and on the map itself.   Place the map over the face and smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles.  I like to use the plastic scrapers from Pampered Chef (the kind that come with the stoneware) to smooth out my Podge projects.  The key to this, is don't go fast, slow and easy is the name of the game.  If you go too fast, you will tear you map.  Once you have it smooth, and all the air bubbles are out, use your exacto knife and slowly trim the excess map pieces so that the map fits the face.  Don't forget to do this with the center hole also. 

You'll want to let this sit for about 2 hours, or until the Mod Podge dries.  Next you want to add your numbers.  You have a few options here, you can use a stencil like I did, or you could use stickers, or free hand paint them.  I used a stencil, and traced the numbers on with a pencil, then used a fine point paint brush and painted over them with black  acrylic paint.  It was time consuming, but it did work.

Let this dry over night.  Then you can coat it with Mod Podge to seal it all.  In the mean time, you can paint the frame if want.  I sprayed mine with primer, just the store brand from Lowes.  I then used a bright white from Behr, and went over with a gray glaze to soften the bright white.

I let the paint cure for a few days then I clear coated it with polyacrylic to seal the paint.  Now it is time to put it all back together again!

I hope you enjoy your clock!!  I would love to see your version of this project as well!
Linking to:
Tutorial Tuesdays @ Hope Studios


  1. Cool! I love everything with maps these days. :D

  2. What a great tutorial! I did one of these a couple of months ago, but I didn't have a tutorial to help me out. I sure could have used it, but 3 (yes 3) clocks later, I got it done. On my next one, I will follow your instructions! Here is a link to mine.

  3. Love the idea to use the pan scraper from PC!
