Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Birthday + Mod Podge= Great Presents!

Today I have a quick little map project to show you.  I recently needed a birthday present, and since I didn't want to spend tons, I decided to make a little something.

I started with a metal chicken basket from World Market, it was surprisingly inexpensive.  It has an oil rubbed bronze finish.  This birthday person wanted something with color.  So I pulled out some foam eggs, and went through my collection of maps to find some with the right colors.  I pulled out my trusty Mod Podge and cut the maps into strips.  I then applied the Mod Podge to the strips and to the eggs, and layered the paper strips onto the eggs.  After giving them a few hours to dry, I applied two coats of Mod Podge to seal them.
Here is the finished result, oh, and sorry the pictures are not that great, I had to take them at night, and quickly!

I really love how this turned out, it is colorful, without shouting!  I'm hoping the birthday person loves it too!

Parties I'm linking to:


  1. I like it too - a touch of whimsy that feels meaningful...

  2. I have a heap of old maps that I really need to do something with! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for the idea.

    I have posted my first giveaway on my blog. It is a gift card so I think it would be useful for all. Please do come enter.
