Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Living Room Update and A Winner

We have a winner in our first giveaway and you won't believe what happened!  But more about that in a minute!

Well, after tons of looking, and searching in stores, and online, I finally have curtains in my living room!  I LOVE them, really, really LOVE them.  My friend H happened to see them in the World Market circular a few weeks ago.  She brought it by and told me she thought they'd be perfect for my living room.  I agreed, they were exactly what I was looking for, I wanted something somewhat floral, but not overly so, maybe with some geometric shapes, and they had to have fall colors, and a bit of blue if possible.  So, did we hit the nail on the head?
Don't have the tie back holders yet, have to wait a bit to get those, for now this works!
scuse' the messy table please.

Fall colors, not too floral, has circles, even has the Ball canning jar blue! Truly, I love the splash of color they add to my living room and dinning room.  Perfect!  Now, to be honest, Hubby, he's not so crazy about them, but after some discussion he decided that we would go with these, and live with them for the next 10 years.     : )  Not really, well, maybe, anyway, I told Hubby if we found something he liked better, and we both like it, we could change them out.  Hubby found the curtain rods, and after looking at lots of options, I agreed that I really liked them.  Good ole' Lowe's for those, they were not cheap, but...when you find what you want you gotta just get it.  My total cost for this project is $ 178. 98.  I don't think that's too terrible, considering the curtains we liked best were from PB and would have cost $500 for just the curtains.  Yikes!

Now, on to our winner!  The winner of the four Map Covered Balls as chosen by Random Number generator is number 1!!  (can you believe it?).  Number one just happened to be my sister, Lois the Frugal Decor Mom, when I called to tell her, she said she felt kinda bad that she was winning my first giveaway, so she asked me to draw another number.  So, the new WINNER is..... Rebekah from All Thingz Related!!
 If you haven't stopped to see these ladies blogs, please stop in and have a look, they are both lots of fun!
Hope you all are having a great week!  I've got several projects in the works that I will hopefully be showing you soon!


  1. Those curtains are beautiful, surprised the hubs doesn't love them. Good job!

  2. Love the curtains! I'm sure they will grow on hubby. And if they don't, well, tell him to deal with it! Gotta love sister-in-laws opinions right!?

  3. Oooh, I like that pattern!

    Congrats to Donna!

  4. Yay! I emailed you my address! That was very nice of your sister :) And I love the curtains!
