Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mod Podge How do I Love Thee!

First, I need to give a big thank you to Brambleberry Cottage for featuring my baby quilt yesterday!!  I feel so honored!!  Thanks!
Well, its official, I love Mod Podge!  I have seen all these great Mod Podge projects from many different bloggers out there, including my own sis.  She told me it was super easy.  Of course I had to try it out!  I have been looking for just the right projects, and I found one!  Remember this silverware box I got from Goodwill for $1?

forgot to take a before of the inside, picture dirty red velvet

Well I knew I wanted to use it for card game storage, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do to transform the box from drab to fab.  Then I saw a post from Country Cottage Chic.  She had done this great project with vintage atlas maps.  You can see it here.  At the end of her post she just happened to mention that she had put some of the remaining maps on her Etsy store.  Well, I hopped on over to the Etsy store and promptly snatched bought those maps as quickly as I could!  I was never so glad to be home sick on a Sunday afternoon!  Hubby brought the Maps home last Monday night.
There are 20 pages in all!

  It took a little while to figure out what I wanted to do exactly, then I pulled out the Mod Podge and scissors and here is what we have now.
A map of Maryland and Delaware on the top

The inside has maps of several states, the largest being Louisiana and Florida
another view of the inside

I really love how it turned out!!  It is so much more interesting than before. I am still trying to decide if I should put a handle of some type on the front.  Let me know what you think, I am open to any ideas.  I think this is going to look great in the family room, and all my card games fit so well!  Total cost? $6, I'm not counting the Mod Podge cause there is a ton left for another project. 

If any of you happen to find maps, large or small, that are old, and you want to sell them, please let me know!!  I want to use maps and globes to decorate the family room, and so I am starting to collect them now.  What do you all think of using maps to decorate?  Do have maps in your home?  Tell me how you used them!
Parties I'm linking too:
Whatever Goes Wednesday.
Frugal Fridays @ The Shabby Nest
Frugalicious Fridays @ Finding Fabulous
Remodelaholic's Anonymous
 Beyond The Picket Fence

Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden


  1. Very cool Mel! I love how it turned out. How did you get it to be so neat? Every time I've done a Mod Podge project, I always have a few wrinkles! Very cool! Love it.

  2. Love maps. The game box turned out really cute. When we bought our house in the office (which is Amanda's room) they had a huge map of the the world framed and hanging on the wall. I thought it looked pretty cool. The only map I have is my little orange globe on my coffee table. LM

  3. Lois, I have no idea how I got it done without wrinkles! I think it was blind luck! I did use a Pampered Chef scraper on it, and lots of glue. That was the tip my sis in law gave me, to use lots of glue and then smooth it out with a scraper, and smooth the excess glue over the top of the seams again. Make sense? It worked, so I guess she was right!

  4. oooh! I LIKE this-ALOT!!!!

    I have purchased my first modpodge recently and am just oogling over all the projects I can do with it! This is really cool too, with the maps! Great job!

  5. WOW....GREAT job!! I like the idea of a handle, BTW :)

    Stopping by from Transformation Thursday!

  6. oh mod podge, i love you! Love the box too

  7. Love that project! You can always find an atlas at thrift stores if you need more maps!

  8. Podging with maps never gets old to me - I love it!

  9. Very nice! Makes me think about doing something similar for a phone and electronics charging box.

    Thanks for sharing.


  10. Wow, I love it. Really, I love maps on just about anything.
    I would add a handle, to keep the box looking nicer for longer.

    Love the idea of decorating with maps, too. I need a larger house, so I can use all of these ideas!

  11. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! You did a fabulous job!! Those maps are my fave. I have not found anymore with that coloring. :) Great job!!

  12. Great! Looking for maps for a project right now! And I so appreciate the tips on trying to eliminate the wrinkles! they kill me! super cute.

  13. Oh! I love it! You did an excellent job!
    I would put a handle ...
    Thnks for visiting me.

  14. I love old maps and have a pile of them waiting to be transformed, thanks for the great idea, you have done a fantastic job!

  15. I love that. Is there anything better than maps.

  16. Darling! Mod Podge is my friend too! Love the stuff!!! Thanks SO much for joining in on Thrilling Thursdays @ Paisley Passions. I love to see the creative talent of other fellow bloggers. Hope you to see you again soon :)
    ~Lori S.
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

  17. Now this I could do!!~ Looks awesome! You really called your Aunt? WOW, well I hate to say I really did throw it away, that is how aggravated I was. I can always get another one, it was only a buck:) Thanks so much. I actually was thinking of those pins as I was doing it.....I would try the glue next time though.

  18. I LOVE it! You did a great job!

    First time stopping by. Found you from FJI SNS!

    I have some "funky" boxes and tons of maps!!! I'll be adding this to my to-do craft list. Can you mod podge a lamp shade with maps? Do you know?? I'm curious! I'm re-doing my older son's room in a hiking/mountain/outdoor theme!

    Have a great Sunday!


  19. Oh and I LOVE the name of your blog!!!


  20. My home is full of maps and globes - I have a globe collection of at least twenty globes and I have two school chalkboard maps (one I use as a window blind) and I've decorated a box and a side table with maps and have another side table I am in the process of decorating with maps - so I so, so, so get this and the passion for it!!

  21. I love it! You really did a wonderful job with the placement of the maps, Melissa.

    I have a very special project in the works using maps, as well. Of course, it's just one of the many irons I currently have in the fire. ;)

    Thanks for linking to my party. I look forward to having you join me each week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  22. Lovely blog, hope to see you at My Dream Canvas!
