Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Making of A "Playhouse"

Hope you all had a great weekend!  We got lots of cleaning done, and that's always a good thing!  While cleaning the Little Monkey's bedroom, I decided to do a bit of rearranging.  She has a toy "room" off her bedroom.  Since our house is a story and a half, there are little storage rooms off each room upstairs.  They are five feet tall on one side, with a steeply slanted wall on the opposite side.  We used the one off the Little Monkey's room for storage for her toys.  (sorry, there's no before picture, I forgot to take one!)

Saturday I moved her play kitchen in there, and set up a "pantry" for all her food, dishes, and utensils.
the kitchen

the pantry
Then, I pulled out an Oriental type rug (like for in front of your door) and put that in the doorway of the playhouse.  Hubby picked up the rug for $1 for just this purpose.  In front of the rug we put her cradle, and dolly pack n' play, and then her toy box.

When I showed the Little Monkey what I had done, she walked in, and said I have a kitchen and a living room, thanks mommy!  It was so cute!  She spent all evening, and all day Sunday playing in her little house.  (I was glad it was done Sunday, as we had to stay home, she has a cold and asthma again. bummer)  She absolutely loves it!  I'm so glad, it is now a fun place for her to play and it makes it easier for me to get more work done upstairs!  Did you make a little play area for your kids?  How did you do it?  Does it help to keep toys from being spread all over the house?  Let me know!
P.S.  last night Hubby picked up a little somethin' for the Little Monkey's play house!  Hopefully I'll be able to show it to you next week, as it needs some work!  So stop back by and check it out!

Tuesday Tag-Along


  1. cool idea Mel! Not only will it keep her toys organized, you've also found a way to move her little kitchen out of the living room! Way to go

  2. Hi! I'm following you from Tag-along Tuesday! Come visit me at http://ohsosavvymom.blogspot.com

  3. Lois, the kitchen is still in the living room, she has two of them. They were both free, so.... Anyway, she is loving the playhouse! It is definitely helping to keep the toys in one place instead of all over the house. I was getting so tired of going into my room and finding toys, even finding them in my closet! This way they stay in her room! At least so far!

  4. How fun. It looks like every little girls dream. At least mine when I was a girl! She'll have hours of fun imagination time. LM

  5. Hi,
    I really liked your post. It's a great idea!
    I love playhouses and am always on the look out for playhouse ideas. Although this is an indoor playhouse, your pictures and ideas are really nice! I have a blog (http://www.kidsplayhouseblog.com) so I'll be referring to your blog post to give my readers some ideas on how other people furnish their 'playhouses'.


  6. How fun is that??? Thanks for linking up to my Thrilling Thursday party. Hope you will join in again next week :)

    ~Lori @ Paisley Passions

  7. sooo precious! My kiddos would love a space like this!

  8. Great job! I have these storage rooms too and I really want to do something like this. So fun for a little kid!

  9. This is great! We turned a little area like this into a toy room too! I am featuring this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com. Grab my "featured" button.
